1. Free Art.
2. Free Drinks.
If you're a girl in LA it's not that hard to score a free drink, but the key is to do it in an environment that doesn't make you feel like you're selling your soul along with your vodka soda.

Not a problem, we decided to make our way to another show, guaranteed to be fabulous in terms of the turn out if not the art. However when we got there, more bad news. A line was already forming, cute boys were queued up for the taking. We could see the wine bottles splayed out through the window. Unfortunately, we could also see one of our ex boyfriends so without missing a beat we jumped in the car, slammed on the gas. Because people, free drinks are never worth a run in with an ex. Free gold is barely worth it.

So what? My first post was a failure. I've failed at more things than you've even tried. But stay tuned because there are good shows coming up next week and I'll post all the details in plenty of time to attend.
xoxo, Noelle
"I've failed at more things than you've even tried."- my new favorite Noelleism.