As Nora and I were headed downtown to cover the LA Art Walk for Funemployment we stumbled across the world's most harrowing sight, a lost puppy! This puppy was running across 6 lanes of traffic on Sunset, dodging cars, left and right. We did what any reasonable people would do, flipped a 180 in the middle of the road and began chasing the Chihuahua like madwomen, despite the fact that one of us was in heels. We eventually wrestled the little monster into our car and got it home.
The following day we went back to Echo Park to put up 'Found Dog' signs when we stumbled upon a treat. A local man we had talked to the day before had left us a cryptic message, nailed to a telephone pole

. He didn't know our names or numbers, only that I lived in Beachwood, so it simply said "
Beachwood, I found the owners. Call me ASAP." Thrilled, we trotted back to our car to give him a call when the most unfortunate thing happened. We found a second lost Chihuahua! This dog had been forgotten at a taco stand by it's owner, and we were already posting up signs that said 'Found Chihuahua' so we figured, the more the merrier, and grabbed him too.

Friday rolls around and we're up to our asses in Chihuahuas. Luckily, we were able to find both of their owners, one who turned out to be a super hot BMX biker (bonus) who tried to give us money. We didn't take it despite our funemployed status, but we're seriously considering asking him out on a date because cute, BMX riding, animal lovers don't grow on trees in LA, you know.
I'll be you're wondering what this has to do with funemployment. Well, there are a lot of animals out there that need love. Not everybody has the time or space to foster a puppy or a kitty. However, if you contact your local shelter, they have great programs where they allow you to take doggies out for walks, either for elderly people who can no longer move at their pace, or for shelter dogs who need some time out of their cages. So check out
this link and
this link to find your shelter and get your ass up runyon canyon. Let's face it, you could probably both use the exercise.
xoxo, Noelle
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